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We are building a detailed picture of where people feel unsafe in Jersey

Thank you for taking the time to post on locations where you have felt unsafe in jersey this is really valuable information that will help the taskforce in making its recommendations for change to Government. We are beginning to see a detailed picture of where people feel unsafe in the Island. Last weekend, you may have seen the article featured in the Jersey Evening Post which highlighted a number of trends as to why people are feeling unsafe in different areas. Please share this with your friends, family and colleagues who might not have given their feedback on this map yet, and let them know that their identity is kept out of public view and complete anonymity is maintained throughout. This is done by pseudonymising every contribution which means that nothing can be match-up to anyone at any point in time by GoJ or our trusted partners. Please encourage them to have their say and help us to end violence against women and girls in Jersey.

Posted on 9th December 2022

by Government of Jersey